Thursday, July 17, 2008

New old stuff

So I posted a new poem on teh schweetness of fictionpress. I'm not going to link it. It doesn't count as creation. I mean, yes, I did create it. I wrote it almost two years ago, though. I just found it while trolling through old livejournal entries of mine, and I wanted to share it.

So now you know it exists, but not where! Heh!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ninja bunny!

So... it only took me approximately 8 million years, but here are the pictures of the ninja bunny. He is just so darn sneaky! He followed me to work, and stood still for .2 seconds in front of my phone. I managed to catch a shot of him with my cell phone.
Yeah, corporate buzzword bingo. I'd be ashamed to go to a meeting without it. I don't actually play, I just look at it and think about playing and then end up doodling all over it cause that helps me concentrate. Oh yeah, and all that origami all over my phone. I like origami. You can also kind of see a little sculpey chibi bunny I made, if you look real hard. Anywho. Here is another picture of the ninja bunny lurking behind my keyboard. You can kind of see his little ninja star. It took me longer to make that stupid origami star than it did to make him! Mainly because I forgot how to make them.He's made of felt and schtuffing, his ninja star is aluminum, and his face is acrylic paint and embroidery.

Next on the list: an angel kitten for my sister. Not like I usually actually do what is on my list, but I told her I would make her a kitten already, so I had better get KRAKEN.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I made a ninja bunny. No pictures yet; he's really fast and really sneaky.

Also in the works: nerd bunny, pirate bunny, hamster angel, and penguin angel. And then a bunch of creepy and adorable demons. I also have some non-plush creations in the works. I should really finish them.