Monday, May 24, 2010


So yesterday it occurred to me that I hadn't made anything for my post today. I haven't worked any more on the blue lady because my thread is still at my parents' house (along with all of my embroidery projects), and I haven't worked on any of my other stuff because I am lazy.

So I wanted a day project: something simple that would make me smile. Last week I doodled a little dude with enormous arms who I thought was super cute. It made me think of how I used to harass my sister in public by saying "biiiiiiig huuuuuug" in a doofy voice. I had drawn up a basic idea of a pattern, and I figured I could just go from there.

I used my sewing machine for once, and one of the problems with that is I tend to forget about things like places to put in stuffing, and arms. >_>

I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what he (she? it?) is. He is still nameless.

But I still think he is super cute. :) I hugged him last night while I slept, and now his place of honor is on my chaise. ^_^ He's made of white fleece leftover from my bunny project (and I still have more), and his doofy smile is embroidered. I was going to embroider his eyes, but then I remembered how freaking stretchy this fleece is. Buttons, then!

I just think he is hilarious. You win a prize if you think of a name and/or what he is!


  1. I think it looks like a wubbie.

  2. What is a wubbie??? My google fu is not strong enough to find out!
