Thursday, April 22, 2010

Other things I finished...

...that I forgot about. I swear, I am one of the flakiest people I know. If my head wasn't firmly attached to my body, I definitely would have misplaced it several times this week alone.

Anyway, it's not like I forgot a lot of stuff... I mean, one is right there across from my bed and I see it every morning when I wake up...

Holy crap blue
...but isn't isn't it pretty!?

The blue is more intense than I had intended... It was kinda dark when I painted it, and it looked like a very different color. But I am too lazy to fix it, and it was fun to paint. Except I got paint all over my wall when I was doing the splatter. Whoops! Sorry, landlord!

I also did a pretty little tablecloth (bookcasecloth?) for my bookcase. The top of the bookcase is kinda scruffy, so it needed something:

The sake set is from Heather.

:D I need a new iron. Mine does not actually get rid of wrinkles in linen! What kind of crap is that!? But it did make the leaves flat, and they are super cute:

I'm not that great at an even chain stitch.

And that's all I got! Next week there will be some works in progress (mostly embroidery) and a tour of my super sweet and girly bedroom!

Also! For the record! My new goal is to post twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays! Why those particular days, you ask? I have no idea! I chose them arbitrarily but you can't complain because I am awesome! I think I overuse exclamation points!

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