Monday, April 26, 2010

Those works in!

A surprising amount of embroidery, really. I guess that is what I am really focused on right now. I have no idea why. That and dolls... I need to get back to my less girly crafts, once I figure out what they are. Also, a warning about this entry: it has... bewbs! A bewb. An embroidered bewb. But still a bewb. Can you tell I like saying bewb? But now you know to shield the tender eyes of your babies in case they have never seen one! I even put in a cut JUST FOR YOU.

First is some embroidery that I am doing to make into a quilt. I want to hang it in my dining room, so I figured having food as the subject makes sense. Right???

Oh god I just love their little feets

Above the little heart it is going to say "LOVE" in hot pink. Because I love Trigun and I am not ashamed. The cupcake is going to say "Bite me!" I'm not telling what the other two are going to say! I love the apple with the aviator glasses so hard, though. I embroidered the word "PEAS" without sketching it out first, and have since decided I will never do that again. So sloppy!

Next is a cross stitch that I have been working on for a seriously epic amount of time. I was planning on giving it to my sister for Christmas, then in September I accidentally left all of my embroidery thread at a friend's place on the Cape. I got it back a week or two before Christmas, and have been working on it on and off when I have time. Usually when I am traveling. You get a prize if you can guess what the crap it is!

I know what it is and I can't tell!

Also, I am working on a lot of dolls. A while back I mentioned making the four seasons in dolls, and I haven't really made a lot of progress on that, other than to behead Spring so that I can give her new hair.

I don't know why people think my craft room is creepy.

The other headless doll (farrrrrr on the right) is being rerooted already. I was going to make her a character from a novel I'm writing, but I'm not really writing the novel anymore.... Maybe playing with a doll will give me more inspiration??

I know you've been wondering, "Where are t3h b3wbs??" Well, I haven't shown you that embroidery piece yet, but I will! ....



And here it is!

Scandalous! I know!

Ok maybe not really scandalous. I probably shouldn't have built it up, but I couldn't resist!

Hope these works in progress have sated your hunger until Thursday, when I show you my super awesome girly bedroom!

Also! You may (not) have noticed, but I changed the layout of my blog! I was really bored when I was home sick last week. (I probably should have said something in my last entry...) It looks mostly the same, I just added a bunch of gadgets, including search! I love search. I hate when blogs don't have a search function. Now you can find ANYTHING!! (on my blog that I wrote)

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